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atuin: Search shell history for a specific command.
$ atuin search ${command}
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The command "atuin search ${command}" is telling the computer to perform a search using a program or tool called "atuin" and pass the value of the variable "command" as an argument to the search.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "atuin" is likely the name of a search program or utility that the user is interacting with. It could be a custom-built tool or a pre-existing software.
  • "search" is the action or function that the program is specifically being instructed to perform. It indicates that the following argument will be used to search for something.
  • "${command}" is a placeholder or variable. The actual value assigned to the variable "command" will be substituted here. The user needs to replace ${command} with the desired search query or keyword.

In summary, the command is asking the "atuin" program to perform a search using the provided query or keyword stored in the variable "command".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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