audacious: Exit as soon as playback stops or there is nothing to playback.
$ audacious --quit-after-play
try on your machine
The command "audacious --quit-after-play" is used to start the Audacious media player and automatically exit the program after the current track finishes playing.
Here is a breakdown of the components of the command:
- "audacious": This is the name of the application or executable file (Audacious media player). It is the main command that needs to be called to start the program.
- "--quit-after-play": This is an option or a flag that is passed to the Audacious media player. It specifies the behavior that the program should exit automatically after the current track finishes playing.
By running this command, Audacious will start playing the music or media files in its playlist and then close itself automatically once the last track is completed.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.