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autorandr: Set the default profile.
$ autorandr --default ${profile_name}
try on your machine

The command 'autorandr --default ${profile_name}' is used to set a specific display configuration profile as the default one using the 'autorandr' tool.

'${profile_name}' is a placeholder for the name of the desired profile, which should be substituted with the actual name of the profile you want to set as the default.

The 'autorandr' tool is a command-line utility for automatically managing display configurations in Linux-based systems. It allows you to define and switch between different display configurations, which can include specific resolutions, monitor arrangements, and other display settings.

By using the '--default' flag with the 'autorandr' command, you are instructing the tool to set the specified profile as the default. The default profile is the one that will be applied automatically when the system boots or when a user logs in.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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