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avo: Switch to an existing Avo branch.
$ avo checkout ${branch_name}
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The command "avo checkout ${branch_name}" is a command used in a version control system called Avo.

This command is used to switch to a different branch named "${branch_name}". In version control systems, branches allow multiple parallel lines of development. Each branch can have its own set of changes and be worked on independently.

By using "avo checkout", you are telling Avo to switch to a specific branch. This means that any changes or modifications you make after this command will be made on that specific branch. It allows you to easily switch between different branches in order to work on different features or bug fixes.

The "${branch_name}" part in the command is a placeholder for the actual name of the branch you want to switch to. You will need to replace "${branch_name}" with the name of the desired branch.

Overall, this command is used to change the current branch to a different one in the Avo version control system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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