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aws-cognito-idp: Delete a user from a specific pool.
$ aws cognito-idp admin-delete-user --username ${username} --user-pool-id ${user_pool_id}
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The command "aws cognito-idp admin-delete-user" is a command in the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) for Amazon Cognito's user pools. It allows an administrator to delete a user from a user pool programmatically.

Here's a breakdown of the components of the command:

  • "aws cognito-idp" - This prefix specifies the AWS service (Amazon Cognito) and its module (Identity Provider, or "cognito-idp"). All commands related to Amazon Cognito user pools are under this module.
  • "admin-delete-user" - This is the specific command within the "cognito-idp" module used to delete a user from a user pool as an administrator.
  • "--username ${username}" - This is a flag/option that specifies the username of the user to be deleted. "${username}" suggests that the command will make use of a variable for the actual username. You would need to replace "${username}" with the actual username you want to delete.
  • "--user-pool-id ${user_pool_id}" - This flag/option is used to specify the ID of the user pool from which the user should be deleted. Similar to the previous flag, "${user_pool_id}" indicates the usage of a variable. You would need to replace "${user_pool_id}" with the actual ID of the user pool.

Overall, this command is used to delete a user from an Amazon Cognito user pool by specifying the username and user pool ID. Note that this requires appropriate administrator privileges.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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