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This command is used to set up the AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) configuration for a specific profile. The "aws configure" command is generally used to configure the AWS CLI with access keys and region, and the "--profile" option allows working with multiple AWS profiles on the same system.
Here, "${profile_name}" is a placeholder for the desired name of the AWS profile you want to configure. You need to replace it with the actual name you want to assign to the profile. For example, if you have multiple AWS accounts or IAM users and want to create a profile named "myprofile", you can use the command like this: "aws configure --profile myprofile".
On running this command, you will be prompted to enter the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key for the chosen profile, followed by the default region name and output format preferences. Once the configuration is complete, all CLI commands executed with the "--profile" option set to the specified profile name will use the corresponding access keys and configurations. This allows you to easily switch between different AWS accounts or users without re-entering access keys each time.