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The command "aws configure list --profile ${profile_name}" is used to list the AWS configuration settings for a specific profile.
Here's what each part of the command means:
"aws configure" is the command to configure the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). It allows you to set up your AWS credentials, which consist of an access key and a secret access key.
"list" is an option within the "aws configure" command. When used with "--profile", it lists the configuration settings for the specified profile.
"--profile" is an option to specify the profile name for which you want to list the configuration settings. It allows you to have multiple sets of AWS credentials and switch between them easily. "${profile_name}" is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual profile name you want to list the configuration for.
By running this command, you will see the AWS configuration settings, such as the access key ID, secret access key, default region, and output format, for the specific profile specified with "--profile".