The command "aws cur put-report-definition --report-definition file://${path-to-report_definition-json}" is an AWS CLI command that is used to create or update a Cost and Usage Report (CUR) definition in your AWS account.
Here's a breakdown of the command components:
- "aws": It is the command-line interface provided by AWS to interact with various AWS services.
- "cur": It represents the AWS Cost and Usage Reports service.
"put-report-definition" is the specific action being performed by the command. In this case, it is used to create or update a CUR definition.
"--report-definition file://${path-to-report_definition-json}": This is a parameter provided to the "put-report-definition" action. It specifies the location of a JSON file that contains the configuration details for the Cost and Usage Report. "${path-to-report_definition-json}" refers to the file path on your local system where the JSON file is stored.
By executing this command, you are instructing the AWS CLI to create or update a CUR definition using the JSON file located at the specified path. The JSON file contains information such as report name, time granularity, report format, and other settings required to configure the Cost and Usage Report.