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aws-google-auth: Resolve aliases for AWS accounts.
$ aws-google-auth -u ${example@example-com} -I ${$GOOGLE_IDP_ID} -S ${$GOOGLE_SP_ID} -d ${3600} -a --resolve-aliases
try on your machine

This command is using the "aws-google-auth" tool to authenticate with Google and generate AWS temporary credentials.

Here is an explanation of each option used in the command:

  • -u ${example@example-com}: This specifies the Google user account that will be used for authentication. Replace ${example@example-com} with the actual email address of the Google account.

  • -I ${$GOOGLE_IDP_ID}: This option specifies the Identity Provider ID of the Google account. The value ${$GOOGLE_IDP_ID} is likely a variable that holds the ID of the Google Identity Provider. Replace it with the actual ID.

  • -S ${$GOOGLE_SP_ID}: This option specifies the Service Provider ID of the Google account. The value ${$GOOGLE_SP_ID} is likely a variable that holds the ID of the Google Service Provider. Replace it with the actual ID.

  • -d ${3600}: This option sets the duration of the generated AWS temporary credentials. In this case, it is set to 3600 seconds (1 hour). Replace ${3600} with the desired duration in seconds.

  • -a: This enables the automatic resolution of AWS role aliases. It allows the tool to automatically find and select the proper AWS role based on the provided Google user account.

  • --resolve-aliases: This option explicitly requests the resolution of AWS role aliases. It ensures that AWS roles are properly resolved during the authentication process.

Overall, this command is initiating the authentication process with Google using the provided user account and credentials, and generating temporary AWS credentials based on that authentication.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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