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aws-kinesis: Read records from a shard, using a shard iterator.
$ aws kinesis get-records --shard-iterator ${iterator}
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The given command is an AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) command used to retrieve records from an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream shard. Here's an explanation of each component:

  • aws kinesis is the command to interact with the Amazon Kinesis service using the AWS CLI.
  • get-records is the specific action or sub-command used to retrieve records from a Kinesis Data Stream shard.
  • --shard-iterator specifies that you want to provide a Shard Iterator value to fetch the records.
  • ${iterator} is the placeholder syntax used to reference the value of the Shard Iterator.

In this command, you are expected to replace ${iterator} with an actual Shard Iterator value. The Shard Iterator is obtained by using the aws kinesis get-shard-iterator command with the desired stream and shard ID. The Shard Iterator points to the specific location within the shard from which you want to read records.

Once you have obtained the Shard Iterator, you can use it with this command to retrieve the records from the specified shard.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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