The command "aws lambda invoke --function-name ${name} ${path-to-response}.json" is used to invoke (or trigger) an AWS Lambda function and capture its response.
Here's a breakdown of the different components:
"aws lambda invoke": This is the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) command to invoke an AWS Lambda function.
"--function-name": This flag specifies the name of the Lambda function to be invoked. In the command, "${name}" represents a placeholder for the actual name of the function.
"${path-to-response}.json": This is the path and filename where the response from the Lambda function invocation will be stored. The ".json" extension indicates that the response will be stored in JSON format.
To use this command, you need to replace "${name}" with the actual name of your Lambda function and "${path-to-response}" with the desired path and filename for the response file. After executing the command, the Lambda function will be invoked, and its response will be saved in the specified JSON file for further analysis or use.