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aws-lightsail: List all available instance images, or blueprints.
$ aws lightsail list-blueprints
try on your machine

The command "aws lightsail list-blueprints" is a command for the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) that allows you to list the available blueprints in Amazon Lightsail.

Amazon Lightsail is a cloud service by AWS that provides an easy way to launch and manage virtual private servers, databases, and other application resources. It simplifies the process of setting up infrastructures for web applications, blogs, e-commerce sites, and more.

When you run the "aws lightsail list-blueprints" command, it communicates with the AWS API and retrieves a list of the available blueprints. Blueprints in Amazon Lightsail are pre-configured bundles of software that contain everything you need to launch a server or an application stack. They are ready-to-use configurations of an operating system, web server, database, and other necessary software.

The command lists the blueprints along with details such as the blueprint ID, name, platform, and version. This information can help you choose the appropriate blueprint for your application or server needs.

For example, running the command might display a list of available blueprints such as "Amazon Linux 2", "WordPress", "Node.js", "LAMP", etc. Each of these blueprints represents a different configuration and software stack that you can choose to launch a Lightsail instance from.

Overall, the "aws lightsail list-blueprints" command is a useful tool for exploring the available blueprints within Amazon Lightsail, providing insight into the available configurations that you can leverage for your application or website hosting requirements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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