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aws-s3: Preview changes only.
$ aws s3 ${any_command} --dryrun
try on your machine

The given command is the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) command for the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). It has the format:

aws s3 ${any_command} --dryrun

Here's an explanation of the different parts of the command:

  • aws s3: This specifies the AWS CLI and tells it to interact with the Amazon S3 service.
  • ${any_command}: This is a placeholder for any valid S3 command, such as ls, cp, mv, rm, etc. It represents the specific action or operation you want to perform on the S3 bucket or objects.
  • --dryrun: This option is used to simulate the command without actually executing it. It allows you to see what the command would do but doesn't make any changes or perform any actions on your S3 resources. It's often used for testing or verifying the command's behavior before running it for real.

Overall, the command structure is generic and can be used with any S3 command to perform a dry run and preview the results without making any actual modifications to your S3 resources.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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