The command "aws secretsmanager list-secrets" is used to retrieve a list of secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager.
AWS Secrets Manager is a service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that helps you securely store and manage secrets such as database credentials, API keys, and other sensitive information. These secrets can be easily accessed by authorized applications or users when needed.
The "list-secrets" command specifically requests a list of all the secrets currently stored in AWS Secrets Manager. This includes secrets that have been created and those that have been deleted but might still have a recovery window available.
When executing this command, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) communicates with the Secrets Manager service in the AWS cloud and retrieves the list of secrets. The response includes details about each secret, such as its ARN (Amazon Resource Name), name, date of creation, and date of last modification.
By running this command, you can get an overview of all the secrets available in your Secrets Manager service, making it easier for you to manage and access them as required.