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aws-ses: List all receipt rule sets.
$ aws ses list-receipt-rule-sets --starting-token ${token_string} --max-items ${integer} --generate-cli-skeleton
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The given command is used to list all the receipt rule sets in Amazon SES (Simple Email Service). Here is the breakdown of each option used in the command:

  • aws ses list-receipt-rule-sets: This starts the command to list the receipt rule sets in SES.

  • --starting-token ${token_string}: This option is used for pagination. If the result of the command includes a NextToken, it means there are more receipt rule sets available. By providing the NextToken value as ${token_string}, you can retrieve the next page of results.

  • --max-items ${integer}: The --max-items option allows you to specify the maximum number of receipt rule sets you want to retrieve in a single API call. The ${integer} represents the value you provide to set the maximum number.

  • --generate-cli-skeleton: This option outputs a sample JSON skeleton that can be used as input for the command to specify the structure and possible parameters. It helps in understanding the required format and values of the API request.

Overall, the command lists receipt rule sets, provides an option for pagination, sets the maximum number of items per call, and offers a sample JSON structure for input.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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