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aws-ses: Send an email.
$ aws ses send-email --from ${from_address} --destination "ToAddresses=${addresses}" --message "Subject={Data=${subject_text},Charset=utf8},Body={Text={Data=${body_text},Charset=utf8},Html={Data=${message_body_containing_html},Charset=utf8}}"
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This command is used to send an email using AWS Simple Email Service (SES).

Here is a breakdown of the components in the command:

  • aws ses send-email: This is the AWS CLI command to send an email through SES. It is followed by the parameters required for sending the email.

  • --from ${from_address}: Specifies the email address of the sender.

  • --destination "ToAddresses=${addresses}": Specifies the email address(es) of the recipient(s). The recipients' addresses are provided in the ${addresses} variable.

  • --message: This parameter encapsulates the message content and defines the subject and body of the email.

    • "Subject={Data=${subject_text},Charset=utf8}": Defines the subject of the email. The subject text is provided in the ${subject_text} variable.

    • "Body={Text={Data=${body_text},Charset=utf8},Html={Data=${message_body_containing_html},Charset=utf8}}": Defines the body of the email, which can be in both plain text and HTML formats. The plain text body is provided in the ${body_text} variable, while the HTML body is provided in the ${message_body_containing_html} variable.

Overall, this command allows you to send an email using AWS SES with the specified sender, recipient(s), subject, and body content, including both plain text and HTML formats.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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