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aws-vault: Open a browser window and login to the AWS Console.
$ aws-vault login ${profile}
try on your machine

The command "aws-vault login ${profile}" is used to login to the AWS (Amazon Web Services) CLI (Command Line Interface) using an AWS named profile.

Here's a breakdown of the components:

  • "aws-vault" is a tool that provides secure credential management for the AWS CLI. It allows you to store your AWS access credentials in an encrypted manner and retrieve them when needed.

  • "login" is a subcommand of aws-vault. It is used to start a new session and authenticate with AWS using the specified profile.

  • "${profile}" is a placeholder for the name of the AWS profile you want to use for authentication. A profile in the AWS CLI contains the necessary AWS access key and secret access key for authentication.

When you run this command and replace "${profile}" with an actual profile name, aws-vault will prompt you for your AWS credentials. Upon successful authentication, it will store the session token securely and provide you with an environment that has the necessary AWS credentials configured. This allows you to execute AWS CLI commands, SDKs, or other AWS-related tools without needing to provide your credentials repeatedly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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