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aws-workmail: Deregister and disable a user/group from WorkMail.
$ aws workmail deregister-from-work-mail --entity-id ${entity_id} --organization-id ${organization_id}
try on your machine

This command is used to deregister an organization's email from Amazon WorkMail. Let's break it down:

  • aws workmail specifies that we are running a command related to Amazon WorkMail service.
  • deregister-from-work-mail is the specific action we want to perform, which is to deregister an email.
  • --entity-id ${entity_id} is an option that identifies the WorkMail entity (user or group) to be deregistered. ${entity_id} should be replaced by the actual entity ID.
  • --organization-id ${organization_id} is an option that specifies the ID of the WorkMail organization that the entity is registered under. ${organization_id} should be replaced by the actual organization ID.

In summary, this command would be used to deregister a specific entity (user or group) from an Amazon WorkMail organization.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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