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balooctl: Display help.
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balooctl is a command-line tool used to control and manage the Baloo file indexer in KDE Plasma.

Baloo is the file indexing and search framework used in KDE. It indexes the contents and metadata of files on your system, allowing you to quickly search for and retrieve files based on various attributes such as filename, content, date, and more.

balooctl provides a way to manage and interact with the Baloo indexer through various commands. Here are some commonly used commands:

  • balooctl start: This command starts the Baloo indexer if it is not already running.
  • balooctl stop: This command stops the Baloo indexer.
  • balooctl status: This command shows the current status of the Baloo indexer, indicating whether it is running or stopped.
  • balooctl enable: This command enables the Baloo file indexer to start automatically at system startup.
  • balooctl disable: This command disables the Baloo file indexer from starting automatically at system startup.
  • balooctl purge: This command deletes all the indexed data and clears the index database.
  • balooctl monitor: This command shows the file indexing activity in real-time, displaying the files currently being indexed.

These commands allow users to control the behavior and operation of the Baloo indexer, customize the indexing process, manage resources used by the indexer, and view its status.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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