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bandwhich: Show DNS queries.
$ bandwhich --show-dns
try on your machine

The command "bandwhich --show-dns" is used to run the Bandwhich network bandwidth utilization tool with an additional feature enabled that shows the DNS (Domain Name System) queries and responses.

Bandwhich is a command-line utility that enables you to monitor the network bandwidth usage of processes running on your system. It provides a real-time visualization of the current network traffic, displaying the total bandwidth usage for each process using a terminal-based user interface. This can be helpful in identifying which processes are consuming the most network resources.

The "--show-dns" option is an additional flag that can be used with the Bandwhich command. When enabled, it captures and displays the DNS queries and responses made by processes. DNS is responsible for mapping domain names to IP addresses, allowing devices to access websites and other Internet resources using human-readable names.

By using this command, you can not only monitor the network bandwidth usage of processes but also view the DNS activity associated with them. This can be beneficial for troubleshooting network issues, identifying problematic processes, or gaining insights into the DNS behavior of your system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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