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bandwhich: Show total (cumulative) usage.
$ bandwhich --total-utilization
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The command "bandwhich --total-utilization" is a command that uses the Bandwhich tool to monitor network bandwidth utilization and display the total network utilization.

Bandwhich is a command-line tool that analyzes network traffic and provides real-time information about bandwidth usage. It displays utilization statistics for each network interface or process using the network.

Adding "--total-utilization" to the command instructs Bandwhich to calculate and display the overall or total network utilization across all interfaces and processes. It will show the percentage of network capacity being utilized at any given time. This can be useful for monitoring the overall network performance and identifying any potential bottlenecks or congested areas in the network.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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