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banner: Read text from `stdin`.
$ banner
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The command "banner" is a built-in command in Unix-like operating systems that is used to create large, decorative, and ASCII art-style text banners. It takes text input from the user and converts it into a banner format that can be displayed on the terminal. Here is the general format of the "banner" command: ```bash banner [options] [text]

- "-t": Adds a thin border around the banner.
- "-u": Adds an underline to the banner. The "text" argument is the input text that you want to convert into a banner. It can contain letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces. The "banner" command will transform this text into a large banner format using ASCII characters and display it on the terminal. For example, if you run the following command: ```bash
banner Hello, world!
``` You will get the output: ```
######   #######  ##      ## ########                    #######  
##    ## ##     ## ##  ##  ## ##     ##                 ##     ## 
##       ##     ## ##  ##  ## ##     ##                 ##     ## 
##       ##     ## ##  ##  ## ########  #######        ##     ## 
##       ##     ## ##  ##  ## ##        ##     ##       ##     ## 
##    ## ##     ## ##  ##  ## ##        ##     ## ##    ##     ## 
 ######   #######   ###  ###  ##         #######   ####  #######  
``` This ASCII art-style banner displays the text "Hello, world!" in a large, stylized format. The exact appearance may vary depending on the terminal and font settings.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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