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banner: Print the text message as a large banner (quotes are optional).
$ banner "${Hello World}"
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The command "banner ${Hello World}" is used to create a big ASCII art representation of the text "Hello World".

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "banner" is the name of the command itself. It is used to create large characters from ordinary ASCII characters.
  • "${Hello World}" is the input given to the banner command, enclosed within double quotes (""). The ${Hello World} is a variable placeholder, where the text "Hello World" is the value that will be inserted into the variable.

Note that if you execute this command directly in a Unix-like operating system (e.g., Linux), you might encounter an error. This is because the variable syntax ${...} is used for variable substitution within shell scripts, but it requires a valid variable name without any spaces. So, for the command to work correctly, the text should be without spaces like this: banner "${HelloWorld}".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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