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base64: Encode from `stdin`.
$ ${somecommand} | base64
try on your machine

This command involves the use of two components: ${somecommand} and base64.

${somecommand} represents a placeholder where you can substitute a specific command or set of commands. It could be any valid command or a combination of commands that you want to execute. The output of this command is then piped (using the | symbol) to another command.

base64 is a command-line utility that encodes and decodes binary data in Base64 format. It takes the input from the previous command and converts it into a Base64 encoded format. Base64 encoding is commonly used for transferring binary data via text-based protocols, such as email or HTTP.

So, putting it all together, when you run ${somecommand} | base64, the output of the ${somecommand} is encoded into Base64 format using the base64 command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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