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bash-it: Restart Bash.
$ bash-it restart
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The command "bash-it restart" is used to restart the bash-it framework.

Bash-it is a collection of community-driven Bash commands, functions, and scripts for automating various tasks and enhancing the Bash shell experience. It provides a framework that allows users to easily extend and customize their Bash environment.

When you run the "bash-it restart" command, it reloads the bash-it framework, applying any configuration changes or new additions that you may have made. This can be useful after modifying the bash-it settings, installing new plugins or aliases, or updating the framework itself.

By restarting bash-it, you ensure that any changes you've made take effect and that you have access to the latest features and functionality provided by bash-it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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