bash-it: Update Bash-it to the latest stable/development version.
$ bash-it update ${select}
try on your machine
The command bash-it update ${select}
is used to update the bash-it framework with selected components.
Here's a breakdown of the command:
refers to the bash-it framework or plugin system.update
is a sub-command of bash-it. It instructs the framework to update the selected components.${select}
is a placeholder for the specific components you want to update. You need to replace${select}
with the actual names of the components you want to update. You can select one or multiple components by providing their names separated by spaces.
For example, if you wanted to update the "aliases" and "plugins" components, you would execute:
bash-it update aliases plugins
This command would trigger the update process for the "aliases" and "plugins" components within the bash-it framework.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.