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bash: Start an interactive shell session without loading startup configs.
$ bash --norc
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The command "bash --norc" is used to start a new Bash shell without executing the user's Bash startup files, also known as the "rc files."

The Bash shell reads and executes the contents of various configuration files when it starts up, which can customize its behavior and define certain settings. These configuration files are usually located in the user's home directory and have names like ".bashrc" or ".bash_profile".

By using the "--norc" option, Bash ignores the default loading of these configuration files, preventing any customizations or settings defined in them from taking effect. It starts with a clean slate, using only the default settings defined by the system.

This command can be useful in situations where you want to temporarily disable or avoid using any customizations or settings defined in the rc files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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