The command "Ctrl + C" is a keyboard shortcut used to interrupt or terminate a running process or command in a computer or software application.
When you press the "Ctrl" key and the "C" key simultaneously, it sends a specific signal to the operating system or software. This signal, known as the "interrupt signal" or "SIGINT," typically triggers the current process or command to be terminated or halted. It acts as a command to stop the current operation and return control to the user.
In the context of the command line or terminal, pressing "Ctrl + C" will usually terminate the currently running command or program and return you to the command prompt. This can be useful if a command or program is taking too long or is stuck, allowing you to abort it and regain control.
It is important to note that not all processes or software respond to "Ctrl + C" in the same way. Some may have their own specific keyboard shortcuts or may not respond to the interrupt signal at all. Additionally, some software applications may interpret "Ctrl + C" differently, like copying selected text.