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batch: Execute commands from standard input (press `Ctrl + D` when done).
$ batch
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The "batch" command is used to execute a series of commands or instructions within a batch file.

A batch file is a text file containing a sequence of commands that are executed in a specific order when the batch file is run. These commands can be simple or complex, and they can include regular command prompt commands, as well as additional batch-specific commands.

When you run the "batch" command followed by the name of a batch file, the command prompt reads the batch file and executes each command in the order specified. This allows you to automate repeated tasks, perform complex operations, or run a series of commands without having to manually type them in the command prompt every time.

Here is an example of a basic batch file:

@echo off
echo Hello, World!

If you save the above code as a text file with the extension ".bat", such as "mybatch.bat", and run the command "batch mybatch.bat", it will execute the commands written inside the batch file. In this case, it will display the message "Hello, World!" and wait for you to press any key before closing the command prompt window.

The "batch" command is often used as a shortcut to quickly run a batch file, without explicitly typing the full path to the file each time.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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