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bazel: Stop the bazel server.
$ bazel shutdown
try on your machine

The command "bazel shutdown" is used to gracefully shut down the Bazel build tool. Bazel is a widely used build system that allows developers to efficiently build and test code across different platforms and languages.

When you execute the "bazel shutdown" command, Bazel performs the following actions:

  1. It terminates any ongoing build actions or processes that are currently running.
  2. It releases any acquired resources, such as network connections or file handles.
  3. It stops any internal services that Bazel uses for its operation.

The main purpose of running "bazel shutdown" is to cleanly stop Bazel and ensure that all resources and processes used by Bazel are properly released. This is important because it allows you to start fresh and avoid any potential conflicts or issues that might arise from multiple instances of Bazel running simultaneously.

It is good practice to execute "bazel shutdown" when you are finished using Bazel for building or testing your code.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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