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bazel: Display runtime info about the bazel server.
$ bazel info
try on your machine

The command "bazel info" is used to gather information about the Bazel build system. Bazel is an open-source build and test tool developed by Google that is designed to handle large-scale software projects.

When executed, the "bazel info" command provides various details and configurations related to the Bazel build system. Some of the information it can display includes:

  1. Bazel version: It shows the version of Bazel installed on the system.

  2. Bazel configuration: It lists the current configuration options and flags set for Bazel.

  3. Workspace directory: It indicates the path to the current Bazel workspace directory being used.

  4. Output base: It specifies the directory where Bazel stores its build outputs, including object files and executables.

  5. Build directories: It displays the directories used for various stages of the build process, like output files, test results, and temporary files.

  6. External dependencies: It shows the external dependencies configured in the Bazel workspace, such as external libraries or tools.

  7. Environment variables: It provides a list of environment variables used by Bazel during the build process.

The "bazel info" command is primarily used for troubleshooting, understanding the build configuration, or gathering information about the Bazel setup on a system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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