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beep: Play the C major scale.
$ beep -f ${262} -n -f ${294} -n -f ${330} -n -f ${349} -n -f ${392} -n -f ${440} -n -f ${494} -n -f ${523}
try on your machine

This command is a series of beep tones being played sequentially. Here is the breakdown:

  • beep: This is the command to generate a beep sound.
  • -f ${262}: This sets the frequency of the beep to 262 Hz (which corresponds to a C4 note on the musical scale).
  • -n: This flag indicates that the command should continue executing without waiting for user input.
  • -f ${294}: This sets the frequency to 294 Hz (corresponds to a D4 note).
  • -f ${330}: This sets the frequency to 330 Hz (corresponds to an E4 note).
  • -f ${349}: This sets the frequency to 349 Hz (corresponds to an F4 note).
  • -f ${392}: This sets the frequency to 392 Hz (corresponds to a G4 note).
  • -f ${440}: This sets the frequency to 440 Hz (corresponds to an A4 note).
  • -f ${494}: This sets the frequency to 494 Hz (corresponds to a B4 note).
  • -f ${523}: This sets the frequency to 523 Hz (corresponds to a C5 note).

So when this command is executed, it will play a series of beeps with the specified frequencies, creating a melodic sequence resembling a simple tune.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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