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behat: Display a list of definitions in your test suites.
$ behat --definitions
try on your machine

The command "behat --definitions" is used in the Behat testing framework. Behat is a popular tool for running behavior-driven development (BDD) tests in a human-readable format.

The "--definitions" flag is used to display a list of available step definitions defined in your Behat project. Step definitions are code snippets written in a programming language (usually PHP) that map to the steps in your feature files.

When you run the "behat --definitions" command, Behat scans your project's feature files and matches the steps with their corresponding step definitions. It then displays a list of these step definitions along with the file and line number where they are defined.

This command is useful to check if all of your steps have matching definitions, and to verify the correct mapping between the steps and step definitions. It helps to ensure that your BDD tests are properly defined and can be executed without any errors.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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