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birdc: Show all active protocols.
$ birdc show protocols
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The command "birdc show protocols" is used to display information about the various routing protocols running in the BIRD Internet routing daemon.

BIRD, which stands for "BIRD Internet Routing Daemon," is an open-source routing software used by network administrators to manage routing tables and implement different routing protocols in a computer network.

When the command "birdc show protocols" is executed, it connects to the BIRD daemon and retrieves information about the currently active routing protocols and their status. The output typically includes details such as the protocol type (e.g., OSPF, BGP, RIP), the interface it is running on, the state of the protocol (e.g., up, down), the number of routes exchanged, and any additional relevant information.

This command is useful in troubleshooting and monitoring network routing, as it provides an overview of the routing protocols' status and helps identify potential issues or misconfigurations. It allows network administrators to verify whether the routing protocols are running correctly and to diagnose any problems in the routing infrastructure.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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