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birdc: Open the remote control console:.
$ birdc
try on your machine

The command "birdc" is a utility used to interact with and manage a Bird daemon, which is the BIRD Internet Routing Daemon. BIRD is a routing software used in Linux and Unix-like systems to handle dynamic routing protocols.

The "birdc" command allows an administrator to connect to the running Bird daemon and execute various commands to monitor and manage the routing configurations. It provides a command line interface to access the Bird control interface.

By running "birdc" in the command line, you can access a Bird shell where you can type in specific commands to perform tasks such as querying routing tables, checking protocol statuses, modifying configuration settings, and more. This functionality helps administrators in troubleshooting, monitoring, and controlling the routing processes of the network managed by the Bird daemon.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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