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birdc: Show all routes that contain a specific AS number.
$ birdc "show route where bgp_path ~ [${4242120045}]"
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The command "birdc" is a command-line interface (CLI) command for interacting with the BIRD routing daemon. BIRD is a routing software that runs on UNIX-like operating systems.

The specific "birdc" command you provided is used to query and display routing information based on a specific filter. Here's an explanation of each part of the command:

  • "birdc": This is the command used to start the BIRD CLI and issue commands to interact with the daemon.

  • "show route": This is a command within the BIRD CLI to display the routing table.

  • "where bgp_path ~ [${4242120045}]": This is a filter used to narrow down the displayed routes based on a specific condition. In this case, it filters routes where the BGP path attribute matches the value "${4242120045}".

The BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) path attribute is used to determine the path that a route has taken through the network. It contains a sequence of autonomous system (AS) numbers that represent the path from the source to the destination.

The "~" operator is used to perform a regular expression match in the filter. In this case, it checks if the BGP path attribute matches the specific value "${4242120045}".

Overall, the command "birdc 'show route where bgp_path ~ [${4242120045}]'" is asking the BIRD CLI to display only the routes from the routing table where the BGP path attribute matches the value "${4242120045}".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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