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bison: Compile in debug mode, which causes the resulting parser to write additional information to the standard output.
$ bison --debug ${filename-y}
try on your machine

The command "bison --debug ${filename-y}" executes the bison compiler with the "--debug" option and the input file specified by the variable "filename". Here is an explanation of each component:

  • "bison": Refers to the bison compiler, which is a popular tool for generating parsers and syntactic analyzers from a specified grammar.

  • "--debug": This is an option flag passed to the bison compiler. Enabling the "--debug" option instructs bison to generate additional debug information during the parsing process. This can be helpful for understanding and troubleshooting the parsing behavior.

  • "${filename-y}": This is a shell variable substitution. It substitutes the value of the "filename" variable if it is set, otherwise it uses the value "y". The purpose of this substitution is to specify the input file for the bison compiler. The actual value of "filename" would be provided by the user or in a script if the variable is meant to be dynamically assigned.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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