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bison: Be verbose when compiling.
$ bison --verbose
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The bison --verbose command is used to generate a parser from a given set of grammar rules written in the Bison language.

Bison is a parser generator tool that helps in designing and constructing the syntax analysis phase of compilers and interpreters. It analyzes the grammar rules provided and generates a parser in C or C++.

The --verbose option is used to enable verbose mode in Bison. In verbose mode, Bison prints out information about the parsing process, such as the progress of the parser, shift and reduce actions, state transitions, and other relevant details. This can be helpful for debugging purposes and gaining insights into the generated parser's behavior.

By running bison --verbose on a Bison grammar file, you can see the detailed output of the parsing process, including debugging information, transition diagrams, and more.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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