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black: Auto-format a file or directory without replacing single quotes with double quotes (adoption helper, avoid using this for new projects).
$ black --skip-string-normalization ${filename_or_directory}
try on your machine

The given command is using a tool called Black with a specific flag to process either a file or a directory.

  • black: It is the name of the command or tool that is being executed.
  • --skip-string-normalization: This is a flag or option provided to the Black tool. It instructs Black to skip the normalization of string quotes or string formatting. Normalization refers to converting all string literals to use either double quotes (") or single quotes ('). By skipping this normalization, Black will keep the original quote style used in the code.
  • ${filename_or_directory}: This is a placeholder indicating that you need to provide the name of a specific file or directory to process. It should be replaced with the actual path and name of the file or directory you want Black to apply its formatting rules to.

Overall, this command is likely used to execute the Black tool with the instruction to skip the normalization of string quotes or string formatting, and it expects a specific file or directory as input for formatting.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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