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black: Output whether a file or a directory would have changes made to them if they were to be formatted.
$ black --check ${filename_or_directory}
try on your machine

The command "black --check ${filename_or_directory}" is used to check if the Python code inside a specific file or directory complies with the formatting rules enforced by the Black code formatter.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "black": This is the command to execute the Black code formatter. Black is a popular tool used to automatically format Python code according to a specific set of style guidelines.

  • "--check": This flag is used to perform a "dry run" of the formatting process. When used with Black, it checks whether any code formatting changes are required without actually modifying the files.

  • "${filename_or_directory}": This is a placeholder indicating where you should provide the name of a specific Python file or directory that you want to check with Black. You need to replace "${filename_or_directory}" with the actual path to the Python file or directory you want to check.

So, when you run the command with the appropriate file or directory specified, Black will analyze the code and report any formatting issues it finds without making any actual changes. This allows you to preview the suggested formatting changes before applying them.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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