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blackfire: Launch the Blackfire agent.
$ blackfire agent
try on your machine

The command "blackfire agent" is used to start the Blackfire Agent, which is an essential component of the Blackfire profiling and performance monitoring platform.

The Blackfire Agent acts as a communication bridge between the Blackfire probe and the Blackfire server. It receives profiling data collected from the probe during the execution of an application and sends it to the Blackfire server for analysis. It also coordinates features like instrumentation and control of the profiling process.

When the "blackfire agent" command is executed, it launches the Blackfire Agent process in the background, allowing it to run independently of the user's current session or terminal.

In general, the Blackfire Agent needs to be running on the server where your application is hosted in order to collect and transmit profiling data to the Blackfire server, which then generates detailed reports and performance insights.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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