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blackfire: View the status of profiles on the Blackfire web service.
$ blackfire status
try on your machine

The command "blackfire status" is used to check the status of the Blackfire profiler, a performance profiling and optimization tool for PHP applications.

When you execute the "blackfire status" command, it provides information about the current status of the Blackfire profiler. This includes details such as the server endpoint being used, the state of the profiler (whether it is enabled or disabled), the environment variables set for Blackfire, and the PHP version it is running on.

This command is helpful to verify that Blackfire is properly configured and running. It allows you to quickly check if the profiler is enabled or disabled, identify the server endpoint being used, and confirm the compatibility of PHP version with Blackfire.

By examining the output of "blackfire status", you can ensure that Blackfire is ready to profile your PHP application and capture performance data.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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