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blastn: Display help (use `-help` for detailed help).
$ blastn -h
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The command "blastn -h" is used to obtain help information for the BLASTN program.

BLASTN is a bioinformatics tool used for comparing nucleotide sequences against a database to identify similarities and potential functional or evolutionary relationships. The "blastn" part of the command specifies that we want to run the BLASTN program.

The "-h" flag stands for "help" and is used to request information on how to use the program. By running the "blastn -h" command, the program will display a help message that explains the available options and commands, providing guidance on how to run the program properly. This help information can be useful for understanding and effectively utilizing the features and functionalities of the BLASTN program.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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