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blastp: Search the remote non-redundant protein database using a protein query.
$ blastp -query ${query-fa} -db ${nr} -remote
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This command is using the BLASTP program to perform a protein-protein sequence comparison. Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • blastp: This is the command for the BLASTP program, which is used for comparing protein sequences.
  • -query ${query-fa}: This option specifies the input file containing the query protein sequences to be searched against the database. The ${query-fa} likely refers to a variable that holds the file path or name of the query file.
  • -db ${nr}: This option specifies the database to search against. ${nr} is probably a variable that stores the name or path of the NR (non-redundant) protein database. The NR database contains a large collection of non-redundant protein sequences.
  • -remote: This option specifies to perform the search remotely. It means that the search will be carried out on a remote BLAST server rather than on the local machine. This requires an internet connection to access the BLAST server.

Overall, this command is performing a BLASTP search using a query file (specified by ${query-fa}) against the NR protein database (specified by ${nr}) remotely. The results of the search will be obtained from the remote BLAST server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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