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blastp: Align two or more sequences using blastp, with the e-value threshold of 1e-9, pairwise output format, output to screen.
$ blastp -query ${query-fa} -subject ${subject-fa} -evalue ${1e-9}
try on your machine

This is a command for running the blastp program, which is used for comparing protein sequences. Here is a breakdown of the command and its components:

  • blastp: This is the executable command for running blastp.

  • -query ${query-fa}: This specifies the query sequence file. The ${query-fa} is a placeholder that is expected to be replaced with the actual path or name of the query sequence file.

  • -subject ${subject-fa}: This specifies the subject sequence file. Similar to the query, ${subject-fa} is a placeholder that needs to be replaced with the path or name of the subject sequence file.

  • -evalue ${1e-9}: This sets the e-value threshold for reporting matches. The e-value represents the number of expected matches that could occur by chance. ${1e-9} is a placeholder for the desired e-value threshold. You need to replace it with the actual value you want to use.

In summary, this command is used to run blastp with a specific query sequence file, subject sequence file, and e-value threshold. The placeholders ${query-fa}, ${subject-fa}, and ${1e-9} are meant to be replaced with the actual file names or paths and numeric values.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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