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bless: Set the system to NetBoot and broadcast for an available server.
$ bless --netboot --server ${bsdp:--255-255-255-255}
try on your machine

The command is bless, which is a command-line utility on macOS used to set up the boot process for Mac computers.

--netboot is an option that tells bless to enable netbooting. Netbooting allows a Mac computer to start up from a network server instead of its local hard drive.

--server is another option that specifies the IP address or hostname of the netboot server. ${bsdp:--255-255-255-255} is an expression used to provide the default server address if it is not explicitly provided. In this case, if the ${bsdp} variable is not set, the default server address will be

The --netboot option, along with the --server option and its default value, allows the bless command to enable netbooting and specify the server address for the Mac computer.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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