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blkdiscard: Securely discard all blocks on a device, removing all data.
$ blkdiscard --secure /dev/${device}
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The command "blkdiscard --secure /dev/${device}" is used to securely discard all data on a specified storage device in Linux.

  • "blkdiscard" is the command used to discard data blocks on a block device.
  • "--secure" is an option that tells the command to securely discard the data by overwriting it with random data.
  • "/dev/${device}" is the path to the block device that you want to discard. The "${device}" is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual device name, such as "/dev/sda" for a hard drive or "/dev/nvme0n1" for an NVMe drive.

By running this command, all data blocks on the specified device will be discarded, and the data will be replaced with random values, ensuring that the data cannot be recovered. This is often performed when you want to securely erase a storage device before disposing of it or reusing it, to protect sensitive information from being recovered by unauthorized individuals.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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