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bluetoothd: Start the daemon.
$ bluetoothd
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The "bluetoothd" command refers to the Bluetooth daemon in Linux-based operating systems. A daemon is a background process that runs continuously and performs various tasks. In the case of "bluetoothd," it is responsible for managing and providing Bluetooth functionality on the system.

When executed, the "bluetoothd" command starts the Bluetooth daemon, initiating the process that handles Bluetooth communication and services. This daemon allows devices to connect and communicate with each other wirelessly using the Bluetooth protocol.

Once the "bluetoothd" command is executed, it runs in the background, continually monitoring for Bluetooth devices and managing their connections. It enables features like pairing, connecting, and configuring Bluetooth devices, as well as handling device discovery and service advertisements.

This command is typically used by system administrators or advanced users to control and manage Bluetooth functionality on a Linux system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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