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bluetoothd: Start the daemon, logging to `stdout`.
$ bluetoothd --nodetach
try on your machine

The "bluetoothd --nodetach" command is used to start the Bluetooth daemon in a terminal session without detaching it from the current process.

The Bluetooth daemon, or bluetoothd, is responsible for managing Bluetooth connections and handling various Bluetooth-related functionalities on the operating system. However, if it is executed without the "--nodetach" option, the daemon will run in the background as a separate process, which means it will continue executing independently even if the terminal session is closed.

By adding the "--nodetach" option, the daemon will run within the terminal session itself, and it will be terminated if the session is closed. This option is mostly used for troubleshooting or testing purposes when you want to monitor the Bluetooth daemon's output or debug any issues directly in the same terminal window.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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