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blurlock: Lock the screen and show the number of failed login attempts.
$ blurlock --show-failed-attempts
try on your machine

The command "blurlock --show-failed-attempts" is used to display the number of failed login attempts made on the system's lock screen.

The "blurlock" command is typically used to lock the screen and activate the blurred background. It is commonly used in desktop environments like GNOME or Unity.

The "--show-failed-attempts" option, when used with the "blurlock" command, enables the display of the number of failed login attempts made on the lock screen. This can help users identify any unauthorized access attempts or lockout policy violations. It is a security feature that provides transparency regarding unsuccessful login attempts on the system's lock screen.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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